The debt of Poles is PLN 71 billion

Economic Information Bureau InfoMonitor informed that the current debt of Poles is PLN 71 billion. Poles do not pay credit, loans, maintenance, telephone, media, rent or stowaway penalties. Only in the first half of this year the debt of Poles increased by PLN 6.5 billion.

According to the data from the report, the average value of debt per one debtor increased by over PLN 1.5 thousand in relation to the previous quarter. At present, it is over PLN 26 thousand. The largest backlogs are owed to the inhabitants of Mazowsze, Zachodniopomorskie, Małopolskie and Pomorskie.

In addition, the InfoMonitor Business Information Bureau reported that a 36-year-old woman with nearly 36 million debt has joined the list of indebted record holders. The current debt record holder is still the 62-year-old from Lublin. Its liabilities together with interest amount to approximately PLN 68 million.




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