Remedial proceedings for Bać-Pol S.A.

Remedial proceedings for Bać-Pol S.A.

At the end of 2018, the District Court in Rzeszów opened remedial proceedings against Bać-Pol S.A. The Company filed an application on 21 December 2018 and on 31 December 2018 The court opened restructuring proceedings. The company operates as a wholesaler and is, among others, the owner of Spar Polska, which manages a network of over 250 Spar franchise stores.

At the end of November 2018, a creditor of Pekao Faktoring filed for bankruptcy of the Company. Subsequently, it was withdrawn by the creditor.

On 31 December, the District Court in Rzeszów also received a motion to open cure proceedings in Marspol Grupa, which is a part of the Bać-Pol Capital Group.



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