May 2019 brought further restructurings and bankruptcies
According to data provided by the Export Credit Insurance Corporation (KUKE), 44 companies went bankrupt in May 2019. This is the second best result since September 2018. At the same time, the number of declared bankruptcies decreased by 4.5% as compared to May 2018. In turn, restructuring proceedings were opened for 34 companies, that is 3 entities more than in April 2019.
In total, the number of open restructuring proceedings and declared bankruptcies in May 2019 amounted to 76. Comparing this result with the average result of the last 12 months (87), the last month was kind to entrepreneurs.
The sum of insolvent entities from the last year, for which insolvent proceedings were opened, decreased in May to 1046. This is the lowest level since September 2018. The current reduction of business activity risk in Poland is supported by strong consumer demand and increasing dynamics of corporate investments.