A new group of participants in economic trading

A new group of participants in economic trading

The new group of participants in the economic turnover in question is entrepreneurs-consumers.

This group of participants will enter legal circulation on January 1, 2021, when the provisions of the Act of July 31, 2019 on the amendment of certain acts in order to reduce regulatory burdens will enter into force. This means that when the entrepreneur purchases goods and / or services from outside the areas in which he operates, but they will support the activities of his company, he will be treated as an entrepreneur-consumer.

Source: https://edgp.gazetaprawna.pl/e-wydanie/57698,11-grudnia-2020/72072,Gazeta-Prawna-Poradnik/743479,Rewolucja-dla-jednoosobowych-przedsiebiorcow:-w-niektorych-sytuacjach-beda-mieli-przywileje-jak-konsumenci.html

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