Extended Help

Extended Help

A regulation was issued on the extension and extension of aid from the trade shield.

From now on, the support offered under the trade shield will be

hotels, tourist accommodation establishments and short-term accommodation.

The support instruments include:

  • exemption from paying with the Social Insurance Institution,
  • re-parking allowance,
  • a one-time subsidy to cover day-to-day operations,
  • co-financing for the payment of remuneration for employees. The hotel industry responded positively to this information.

Source: https://www.gov.pl/web/rozwoj-praca-technologia/rada-ministrow-przyjela-rozporzadzenie-w-sprawie-rozszerzenia-pomocy-z-tarczy-branzowej?fbclid=IwAR1slL77ARI18eVHE00t4xPcxyKqUSxbu7mg2loYrxzqhS5zsalZ7g6v9Nc

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