UOKiK’s consent to the lease of a dairy cooperative

UOKiK’s consent to the lease of a dairy cooperative

The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) has agreed to the lease of the Bielmlek cooperative.

Laktopol will be the lessee. As soon as the obtained consent becomes valid, Laktopol will resume production at the Bielmlek dairy. He also continues to want to buy the cooperative.

It is worth recalling that the dairy cooperative Bielmlek has been undergoing restructuring proceedings since March last year. Initially, Okręgowa Spółdzielnia Dleczarska Piątnica showed interest in taking over the cooperative. At the end of 2020, she withdrew. At that time, talks with Zakłady Dleczarskie Laktopol began.

Source: https://bielsk.eu/bielsk-podlaski/31484-uokik-wyrazil-zgode-na-przejecie-mleczarni-bielmleku-przez-laktopol

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