Employment restructuring at Bank Pekao

Employment restructuring at Bank Pekao

Bank Pekao decided to restructure employment.

The decision on the intention to restructure employment was made as a result of the digitization of the banking sector. The aforementioned process was accelerated as a result of the ongoing coronavirus pandemic and was a response to the decreased interest of customers in the so-called traditional banking.

The Bank’s intention is to cut 1,110 jobs and change the terms and conditions of employment for 1,250 employees. To this end, the Bank’s representatives have already started talks with trade unions, which are expected to last until the end of March. Their effect is to be an agreement on the number of people and the scope of dismissals.

Source: https://prnews.pl/bank-pekao-rozpoczyna-konsultacje-dotyczace-restrukturyzacji-zatrudnienia-w-2021-roku-457131


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