Interest in restructuring is growing

Every year there is an increase in interest in restructuring.

Since the restructuring law came into force, i.e. since 2016, 2,299 restructuring proceedings have been opened. Comparing the data from individual years, there is a clear increase in interest in restructuring. Out of 2,299 open restructurings, as many as 799 took place in 2020. However, the exceptional situation caused by the coronavirus pandemic, which has lasted for a year and which has largely forced entrepreneurs to decide on the need to take corrective action, should be emphasized.

The analysis of open restructuring proceedings leads to the conclusion that of all the available types of restructuring, entities most often chose the procedure for approval of the arrangement. Decisions on the necessity to restructure were chosen in particular by entrepreneurs operating in the service industry. There was also interest in hoteliers and restaurant owners, as well as in financial services, rental and leasing, advertising, retail trade and transport. On the other hand, construction and industry are the sectors of the economy that see the need for restructuring the least frequently.

With the increase in the number of restructurings, a decrease in the number of declared bankruptcies was observed. In the opinion of experts, it is a consequence of public aid granted to entrepreneurs. Experts indicate that for some of these entrepreneurs, the above-mentioned aid is a postponement of the decision to declare bankruptcy. It is predicted that in the years 2021-2022 the number of bankruptcies will increase significantly.





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