Entrepreneurs announce lawsuits

Entrepreneurs announce lawsuits

Entrepreneurs who did not receive support have announced that they will file lawsuits.

Many entrepreneurs did not receive financial aid under the first and second edition of the Financial Shield supervised by the Polish Development Fund (PFR).

The reasons for the rejection of their applications were varied. Nevertheless, the most common ones include:

  • failure to justify the refusal to grant support,
  • indication of non-existent arrears in various offices,
  • ineffectiveness of the appeal procedure.

This prompted some entrepreneurs operating in the hotel and event industries to take legal action and bring cases to the State Treasury.

According to forecasts, the number of entrepreneurs deciding to take such a step will systematically increase.

Source: https://edgp.gazetaprawna.pl/e-wydanie/57941,22-kwietnia-2021/72765,Gazeta-Prawna/752128,Beda-kolejne-pozwy-za-tarcze-PFR.html

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