Burda Media Polska publishing house is expanding its portfolio

Burda Media publishing house is expanding its portfolio.

The said expansion will take place through the purchase of the Edipresse Poland company belonging to the Swiss publishing house Edipresse Group. In this way, Burda Media Polska will take over multimedia and digital services addressed to women and parents. The most popular titles are: Viva, Party, Mamotoja, their online counterparts and many others. The agreement between the publishing houses now requires approval by the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK).

It seems that the Edipresse Group’s agreement with Burda Media Polska is a continuation of the current strategy of gradual but systematic withdrawal from the Polish media market. Over the past few years, the company has closed several of its titles and sold a few to other publishers.

It is worth recalling that in the last several months this is the second such large takeover on the media market. We wrote about it here.

Source: https://www.money.pl/gospodarka/duze-przejecie-na-polskim-rynku-mediow-burda-kupuje-biznes-konkurenta-6636711798360928a.html



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