A lot of applications

A lot of applications

A lot of applications were submitted to the Agency for Restructuring and Modernization of Agriculture (ARMA).

At the end of June, as many as four competitions organized by ARMA came to an end, addressed to:

  • young farmers,
  • farmers interested in restructuring their farms,
  • farmers who suffered losses last year as a result of atmospheric phenomena,
  • beekeepers.

ARMA noted great interest in the form of submitting several thousand applications under each of the competitions.

Young farmers submitted as many as 2,000 applications. In turn, in terms of restructuring, 12.5 thousand applications were submitted. On the other hand, 26,500 applications are waiting for support in the scope of repairing damages. Beekeepers also showed little less interest. As many as 20,000 applications were received from them.

Source: https://www.topagrar.pl/articles/prow-2014-2020/premia-dla-mlodych-rolnikow-restrukturyzacja-gospodarstw-i-pomoc-kleskowa-ile-wnioskow-zlozyli-rolnicy/


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