The Chamber of Commerce of the Polish Hotel Industry (IGHP) reports that 75 percent of hotels have only 30 percent rooms reserved for December.
There are even fewer reservations for January 2022. Hotel owners fear that this year’s holiday season will be as difficult for them as last year. Then there was a lockdown when hotels normally harvest. The previous months of this year, especially the summer ones, were good for the industry. Back in October, most hotels had an occupancy rate of between 40 and 70 percent.
In November, however, only 29 per cent of hotels have an occupancy rate above 40 per cent.
It will be difficult for entrepreneurs from the hotel industry to compensate for the losses incurred during the pandemic. They are burdened with the specter of further restrictions. They also have to cope with staff shortages and rising products, prices and services in other sectors of the economy.