Almost 5 million companies in Poland

Almost 5 million companies in Poland

At the end of last year the number of companies registered in our country exceeded 4.8 million.

This is according to data from the REGON register published by the Central Statistical Office. In 2021, there were approximately 170 thousand business entities in Poland. There are over one million entities operating in trade. On the other hand, we have more than half a million companies engaged in professional, scientific and technical activities. As many as 3.4 million people are self-employed.

Last year, the number of companies increased, despite the fact that at that time as many as 190 thousand entities deregistered. This is 12 percent more than in 2020. The largest number of companies deregistered from REGON in December 2021. – by 32.7 per cent more than a month ago.

In turn, the number of suspended operations in December last year totalled 558.7 thousand, while a year ago it was 510 thousand. Most suspended businesses were companies from the construction and trade sectors.

Over the last four years, the number of commercial companies has slightly decreased. However, the number of construction companies increased by as much as one third. The growth exceeded 40 percent in the information and communication industry and energy.



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