Less bankruptcies, more start-ups

Less bankruptcies, more start-ups

In the last quarter of last year, 88 thousand new companies were registered, according to the Central Statistical Office (GUS).

This is 16.7% more than in the last quarter of 2020. Over 80 percent of the registrations are the responsibility of sole traders. However, limited liability companies account for 17 percent of all registrations. Most new businesses came in the catering and accommodation sector. Significant growth was also noted in the sector of information and communication, transport and storage, industry and construction.

According to the CSO data, 87 enterprises went bankrupt in the last three months of 2021. This is almost 18 percent less than a year ago.

Source: https://www.bankier.pl/wiadomosc/Czwarty-kwartal-2021-r-przyniosl-wiecej-nowych-firm-i-mniej-upadlosci-8275503.html


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