GO Sport is for sale

GO Sport is for sale

GO Sport Polska, which operates shops offering sports and tourism products, is looking for a new owner.

The company was put up for sale by its management board. Three years ago, the company was bought by the Singaporean company Sportmaster, which is owned by people of Russian origin. Since then, the company has been undergoing a process of change and restructuring. These are aimed at creating a business that is profitable.

The management announces in the communiqué that it has started talks with the owners about its current situation and future in Poland, because it feels responsibility for its employees. The company employs almost 500 people here. It is already in preliminary talks with a potential buyer.

Source: https://www.bankier.pl/wiadomosc/GO-Sport-Polska-zostala-wystawiona-na-sprzedaz-8291138.html


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