Retail bankruptcies on the rise

Retail bankruptcies on the rise

This year saw the most store bankruptcies since 2017. General grocery outlets are disappearing from the market the fastest.

The popularity of stationary shopping is declining as customers are turning to online retail in increasing numbers. According to data collected by Dun & Bradstreet Poland, since the beginning of the year, the retail market has shrunk by more than 3,000 outlets, to 373,000. Additionally, in the first half of this year, 4,500 stationary stores have already suspended their operations. According to Tomasz Starzyk, a spokesman for Dun & Bradstreet Poland, it is to be expected that by the end of this year over 5 thousand stores will have been closed down.

Most of the stores which disappear are general stores. This year the market shrank by 644 such establishments. Additionally, 532 non-specialised stores and 487 clothing stores went bankrupt.


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