Risk of bankruptcies increasing due to energy prices

Risk of bankruptcies increasing due to energy prices

Next year, energy prices may rise by 200-300 percent. Under such conditions, the operations of many companies will cease to be profitable.

Entrepreneurs may already pay as much as 200-300 percent more for energy next year. This will affect not only the prices of products and services, but also the operations of many companies. Rafał Baniak, president of the Employers of Poland, warns that many companies could go bankrupt. This is because with such high energy prices, production is becoming unprofitable. Employers of the Republic of Poland have already received the first signals from companies about their intentions to reduce operations. Mikołaj Budzanowski, board member of the Boryszew group, says that we have already reached the upper limit of energy and gas prices accepted by the market.

Source: https://www.rp.pl/biznes/art36714161-firmy-alarmuja-czeka-nas-fala-upadlosci-przez-ceny-energii

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