Lots of takers for the purchase of Go Sport assets

Lots of takers for the purchase of Go Sport assets

At least a dozen entities are interested in buying the assets left behind by the sports store chain.

The process of selling Go Sport Polska’s assets was announced in mid-October. Potential investors can register their interest in participating in the process until November 3. Puls Biznesu reports that at least a dozen applications have come in. Those interested include Sports Direct, Intersport and CCC.eu sp. z o.o., a group company of listed clothing giant CCC. In addition, potential investors also include Savio Group, active in manufacturing and retail, as well as Antimateria, a bicycle assembly company, debt collection company Kokosinkaso, Meta, Business Park, and Amartech, Orion and Sob-com.

The value of the assets to be sold may be more than PLN 100 million. It will be sold to the investor who offers the best terms.

Source: https://www.pb.pl/duze-zainteresowanie-majatkiem-go-sportu-1168343

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