FTX exchange on the brink of bankruptcy

FTX exchange on the brink of bankruptcy

FTX is the third largest cryptocurrency exchange, which has just come to the brink of collapse. An investor interested in acquiring it backed out of the deal.

News of FTX’s problems emerged a few days ago. Moments later, Binance reported on its possible takeover. However, it quickly backed out of the deal. After all, upon closer examination, it turned out that FTX was in a worse situation than initially thought.

FTX’s problems and its possible bankruptcy are already reverberating throughout the cryptocurrency market. Within two days, the price of bitcoin fell by 25 percent.

Source: https://businessinsider.com.pl/gospodarka/kryptowaluty-w-odwrocie-na-rynku-chaos-czesc-uzytkownikow-moze-stracic-miliony/f6jwr91?utm_source=fb&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=fb_bi&fbclid=IwAR0Eib0227XK2CVn_MODcsy1aSHsvQHW2PFBLo_z7tvfclyc7iWNyJUTazY

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