E-commerce companies and courier companies are in debt

E-commerce companies and courier companies are in debt

Companies engaged in e-commerce and courier services are increasingly indebted.

Restrictions and restrictions introduced with the onset of the coronavirus pandemic translated into an increase in the popularity of e-commerce and courier companies. No wonder that a systematic increase in the number of companies engaged in these activities has been observed. However, not all of them managed and are doing equally well and equally effectively. As a result, their debt increases. According to data from the Register of Debtors of the Economic Information Bureau (BIG), the financial problems of e-commerce companies amount to PLN 342 million and increased by 18% annually, and courier companies reach nearly PLN 74 million and increased by 11% during the year. Many of these companies hope that the pre-Christmas period will allow them to make up for some losses. This period is indeed usually full of shopping and thus brings increased profits. This time, however, it may be different. Due to economic problems, it can be expected that consumers will not be as wasteful as usual.

Source: https://www.dlahandlu.pl/e-commerce/wiadomosci/e-handel-i-kurierzy-z-dlugiem-na-ponad-415-mln-zl,114265.html

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