HoReCa in debt

HoReCa in debt

The restaurant and catering industry is facing increasing financial problems.

The current total debt of restaurants, catering companies and hotels is estimated at nearly PLN 312 million. The vast majority of this amount, approx. 80%, are the debts of the catering sector. The reasons for this state of affairs should be sought in the current economic situation shaped by high inflation and the increase in the costs of doing business. Moreover, there is a worrying trend. Well, the debt is systematically growing at an ever-increasing pace. This forces some entrepreneurs to make difficult decisions in the form of liquidation of the business. This phenomenon is already widely seen in the catering sector.

Source: https://biznes.wprost.pl/firmy-i-rynki/11128855/gastronomia-niebezpiecznie-sie-zadluza-hotelarze-tez-nie-zawsze-maja-z-czego-placic.html

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