Ownership changes in the popular Browar

Browar Zamkowy Cieszyn changes its owner and name.

A few days ago, KDW Closed Investment Fund (KDW FIZ) became a new shareholder in Browar Zamkowy Cieszyn. The management of the brewery is shared with the current owner, MJG Investment Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamk Zamkowany Assets Niepublicniczych (MJG FIZAN).

The ownership change resulted in a change of the Brewery’s name. From now on, it will be called the Archduke Brewery Castle Cieszyn. According to the owners, the new name is to refer to its historical roots.

The purpose of these transformations is to take action to develop the Brewery.

It is worth noting that Browar Zamkowy Cieszyn has a very long history, marked by several changes of owners. After privatization, in the early 1990s, it was bought by the Dutch concern Heineken. He became part of the Żywiec Group. After 20 years (at the end of 2020), it was acquired by Felix Investments. Further changes took place in March 2023. At that time, the Brewery was in the hands of the co-owner of Cisownianka. And after less than a month, in April this year, the owner changed. The current co-owner – KDW FIZ is a partner in the Nałęczowianka company dealing with the production of Cisowianka water. All these changes resulted from financial problems that affected the Brewery.

Source: https://www.portalspozywczy.pl/alkohole-uzywki/wiadomosci/wlasciciel-cisowianki-przejal-znany-browar-zapowiada-powrot-do-korzeni,222450.html



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