A crisis postponed in time

A crisis postponed in time

The year 2023 may turn out to be the most difficult for the furniture industry.

For a long time, representatives of the furniture industry did not report major difficulties in running a business. The situation changed in mid-2022. Then they began to feel the effects of changes taking place in the economy more and more loudly. In their case, it was the war beyond our eastern border and its consequences that turned out to be the most difficult test. Difficulties in importing the necessary materials and the increase in the costs of running a business began to leave an increasing mark and translated into the current activity. As a result, we observe a systematic decrease in the demand for furniture. This is not without influence on the crisis that the construction industry is currently struggling with. Here, too, there is a visible decline in the interest in buying flats caused by difficulties in obtaining housing loans. According to experts, the consequence of the current state of affairs will be the need to reduce employment and lower the prices of manufactured furniture.

Source: https://wiadomosci.onet.pl/kraj/branza-meblarska-przezywa-kryzys-polscy-klienci-doczekaja-sie-obnizek-cen/l1145z9

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