The collapse of Manufaktura Piwa Wódki i Wina

The eight-year, turbulent history of Manufaktura Piwa Wódki i Wina has come to an end.

Manufaktura Piwa Wódki i Wina was founded in 2016 by former politician Janusz Palikot. For several years, it functioned very well. It seemed that the recipe for success was cooperation with popular people and basing the financing of operations on the principles of crowdfunding. However, since 2023, there has been increasingly loud talk about the growing problems with maintaining the company’s financial liquidity. This resulted in the filing, in August last year, of an application to initiate accelerated arrangement proceedings. And although in November 2023 the creditors voted in favor of accepting the arrangement, only a few months later, in February 2024, the Krakow Commercial Court dismissed the arrangement due to problems with regular repayment of liabilities. In turn, a few days ago, by court order, the company was declared bankrupt.

It is worth recalling that in March of this year, a similar fate befell the Tenczynek Brewery, which was acquired six years earlier by the owner of Manufaktura Piwa Wódki i Wina.




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