British interested in the Leżajsk Brewery

The fate of the closed Leżajsk Brewery is still hanging in the balance.

A year ago, representatives of Grupa Żywiec announced that due to the increase in business costs, they decided to sell one of their breweries, namely the Podkarpackie Brewery Leżajsk. The end of production at the mentioned brewery, scheduled for June, has been postponed. Ultimately, in September 2023, production was suspended. However, this did not put an end to ongoing discussions about the future of the Brewery. Interest in its takeover was expressed by, among others, Manufaktura Piwa Wódki i Wina and Orlen. A few days ago, information was made public that representatives of Grupa Żywiec had signed a conditional agreement for the sale of the Podkarpacie brewery to the British company Mycofeast. The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) will now decide on the finalization of this transaction. It is worth adding, however, that the success of this transaction does not guarantee the continuation of the brewery’s current operations. This is due to the fact that the British company’s business profile focuses on industrial biotechnology.




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