
The eight-year, turbulent history of Manufaktura Piwa Wódki...

The acquisition of the Graal Group by the Lisner company has become a...

The Office of Competition and Consumer Protection (UOKiK) has approved the takeover of...

Restructuring proceedings have been initiated against the DUKA chain of stores. In the...

Representatives of PKP Cargo submitted an application to the court to initiate restructuring...

The Kielce commercial court issued a decision declaring bankruptcy of the Polish chain...

As recently announced, the latest episode of the ResTrue Talks. podcast was devoted...

The Dutch clothing company filed for bankruptcy for the first time last year....

Problemy i rozwiązania

On March 31, 2024, 15 years of the provisions regulating the so-called consumer...

Despite its enormous popularity, the arrangement approval procedure introduced in 2021 still raises...

One of the basic consequences of declaring bankruptcy of a natural person, both...

The consequences of opening and conducting restructuring proceedings for the debtor on the...

The primary goal of bankruptcy proceedings for persons not conducting business activity is...

Over the past month, many press titles and websites have reported on the...

In the Polish food sector, especially in the dairy industry, there are conditions...




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