Tenants in shopping malls are waiting for a decision

Tenants in shopping malls are waiting for a decision

Tenants in shopping malls are still waiting for a settlement.

At the beginning of April, the government announced that rents for tenants in shopping centers would be reduced by 80% during the lockdown period and by 50% for three months after its end. So far, however, these declarations have not been reflected in reality. Tenants’ representatives are waiting for their introduction. They explain their impatience with the deteriorating financial situation and pay attention to difficult relations with shopping centers. On the other hand, representatives of shopping centers demand that the above-mentioned proposals, which from their point of view are unfavorable, be withdrawn.

Source: https://edgp.gazetaprawna.pl/e-wydanie/57946,27-kwietnia-2021/72780,Gazeta-Prawna/752368,Rzad-zajmie-sie-obnizka-czynszow-dla-najemcow.html

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