Rafako may change owner

Rafako may change owner

The company signed a letter of intent with a domestic industry investor. It provides for the purchase of 33.33% of Rafako’s shares.

These are all shares held by PBG and the Multaros fund.

In addition to the share sale, the agreement also provides for PLN 70m in financing for Rafako. The money is to be used to provide working capital to the company. The money is also intended to finance early repayment by Rafako of selected receivables covered by the restructuring agreement. The money will also help eliminate negative equity. Thanks to the money, Rafako could also obtain guarantee lines that will allow it to execute new contracts.

Whether the deal goes through will depend on several factors. One of them is the results of the due diligence conducted by the potential investor on Rafako.

Source: https://www.wnp.pl/energetyka/rafako-jest-blizej-zmiany-wlasciciela-rozmowy-z-inwestorem-juz-trwaja,531240.html

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