Episode 1 of the ResTrue Talks. podcast

ResTrue Talks. is a podcast based on current observations and monitoring of changes taking place in various aspects of restructuring issues. The purpose behind its creation is to present the current picture of the restructuring environment.

We cordially invite you to listen to the debut episode, in which we talked about:

  • statistics on restructuring and bankruptcy proceedings for the first quarter of 2023 (ResTrue Statistic),
  • problems (of the banking, clothing and dairy sectors), which have recently dominated among the topics discussed on industry portals (ResTrue News),
  • selected situations in which the courts refused to approve the arrangement in restructuring proceedings (ResTrue Alerts),
  • proceeding with the draft EU directive on the harmonization of certain aspects of bankruptcy law and the Polish draft directive of 2019 on preventive restructuring frameworks (ResTrue Law),
  • reflections on the publications: “The effects of opening bankruptcy proceedings”, “Methodology of the attorney’s work in proceedings from the actio pauliana with templates of letters” and “The Logic and Limits of Bankruptcy Law” (ResTrue Literature),
  • national and international conferences scheduled for May (ResTrue Conference).

The special guest of this episode was Ph.D. Bartosz Sierakowski, who talked about the consequences of the sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation and their impact on the insolvency of entrepreneurs.

The podcast is addressed to restructuring practitioners. Its creators believe that the broadcasts will become a platform for discussion and exchange of ideas. And in the creation of the podcast are involved: Patryk Filipiak, Maciej Woźniak, Piotr Kempinski, Maria Wąsicka-Sroczyńska and Ulyana Zaremba.

We cordially encourage you to listen to the episode available on the ResTrue Talks. channel. on YouTube and Spotify.



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