What is the future of Ursus?

The question of what future awaits Ursus becomes more and more legitimate.

In the financial report for the previous year, Ursus showed a loss of nearly PLN 57 million. Although it is emphasized that it is about PLN 20 million less than in 2019, these data are not optimistic. In addition, the company’s loans were terminated, and the Industrial Development Agency ordered the repayment of the loan. Moreover, the simplified restructuring procedure opened last year ended in a fiasco due to the exceeding of the permissible 4-month period for its completion. Currently, the company is in the process of rehabilitation. In the context of all these events, the value of the company fell significantly.

According to the owners of the company, this was largely due to the doubts of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) regarding the sale of Ursus shares and legal steps taken against the company. The owners of Ursus announced that they would take legal action against the Polish Financial Supervision Authority and demand compensation.

Source: https://www.money.pl/gielda/ursus-znowu-bliski-upadlosci-fatalne-dane-od-kultowej-marki-traktorow-6635621674224288a.html



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