End of Codemedia

End of Codemedia

The media agency that has been operating for eleven years – Codemedia – has ceased its activity.

Codemedia filed for bankruptcy in October 2019. It was argued by the insolvency of two main clients: TXM SA and Basel Olten Pharm, with financial problems and undergoing restructuring.

In May 2020, the court dismissed the company’s bankruptcy petition, stating that “the debtor’s assets are not sufficient to cover the costs of the proceedings”. At the same time, he did not consent to the bankruptcy of the company without liquidating its assets. Codemedia has appealed against this decision and is still pending.

Source: https://www.press.pl/tresc/63612,wnioskujaca-o-upadlosc-codemedia-w-2019-roku-miala-9_6-mln-zl-straty

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