(R)evolution of public hospitals

(R)evolution of public hospitals

The Ministry of Health maintains its willingness to restructure public hospitals.

Such a decision was made due to the difficult financial situation of hospitals and the lack of a coherent policy in the field of medical services provided. The result is increasing competition between individuals.

So far, three possible scenarios for the restructuring of public medical facilities have been developed. According to the first of them, all hospitals would be centralized. They would be supervised by one authority: the Ministry of Health or voivodes or the Hospital Development Agency. Under the second proposal, partial centralization by the Minister of Health and voivodship marshals would become possible. A third option would be to link the change of owner to the hospital’s debt restructuring.

Source: https://serwisy.gazetaprawna.pl/zdrowie/artykuly/8089896,szpitalna-centralizacja-jakie-zmiany.html

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