What next with the restructuring of Ursus?

What next with the restructuring of Ursus?

In the context of recent events, the question about the future of the ongoing restructuring of Ursus seems to be justified.

In the last quarter of last year, Ursus established cooperation with the Chinese company Dongfeng Motor Industry. As agreed, the two companies intended to jointly implement several automotive projects. A schedule of cooperation has already been developed.

Last week, Ursus informed about an agreement with Chinese entrepreneurs. It was obliged by Polish law to make such information public. However, the foreign partner considered it a breach of the agreed rules of confidentiality and terminated the cooperation agreement on this basis. The Polish manufacturer intends to clarify the matter and continue cooperation.

Source: https://www.bankier.pl/wiadomosc/Dongfeng-Motor-Industry-wypowiedzial-umowy-z-Ursusem-bo-polska-firma-poinformowala-o-wspolpracy-8052042.html

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