PBS restructuring in compliance with the law

PBS restructuring in compliance with the law

The Supreme Administrative Court (SAC) has dismissed complaints about the initiation of forced restructuring of PBS in Sanok.

The Bank Guarantee Fund (BFG) announced that the Supreme Administrative Court has dismissed the cassation complaints against the verdict of the Regional Administrative Court. They concerned the forced restructuring of PBS in Sanok. The dismissal of the complaints means that the decision to initiate restructuring was issued in accordance with the law.

The restructuring of PBS in Sanok was launched in early 2020. The bank was in poor capital condition. It also met the three conditions obligating the BGF to decide on restructuring.

Source: https://www.bankier.pl/wiadomosc/Przymusowa-restrukturyzacja-wobec-PBS-w-Sanoku-NSA-podjal-decyzje-8444346.html

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