The situation of the Polish automotive industry is record good.
Automotive industry revenues for 2022 were record high. For the first time in the history of the Polish automotive industry, they exceeded the threshold of PLN 200 billion. This was mainly due to the sale of parts and accessories, which generated 55% of total revenues. In turn, 37% of this amount was the result of sales of vehicles and engines. However, it should be borne in mind that there were slight (nearly 0.5%) decreases in the sales of trailers and semi-trailers and a reduction of less than 2% in the number of employees in the industry. There are also records in terms of exports of automotive products. Its value was estimated at nearly EUR 38 billion.
It is also worth adding that such good data surprised even experts. The beginning of last year, especially the first quarter, did not herald such a promising end. What’s more, 2023 is expected to be even better.