TXM filed for bankruptcy

TXM filed for bankruptcy

TXM’s bankruptcy petition went to court on the last day of April. The company is a victim of the pandemic.

The liquidity and financial performance of TXM has been severely affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Despite this, the company has not received any government support.

TXM owns a chain of discount stores operating under the names TXM and Textilmarket. As of the end of December 2021, the company had 204 stores in Poland with a total area of 46.9 thousand square meters. It also operates an online store. Last year, its operating loss amounted to PLN 15.3 million. A year earlier it was PLN 22.3 million.

Source: https://www.bankier.pl/wiadomosc/Zarzad-TXM-zlozyl-wniosek-o-upadlosc-spolki-opis-8329375.html

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