OSM Czarnków is on the verge of bankruptcy.
The beginnings of the functioning of the District Dairy Cooperative (OSM) Czarnków date back to the last century. Throughout this time there were problems that disrupted the current operation. Currently, however, the financial problems faced by the cooperative make its representatives worry about the future. These problems are the aftermath of the nearly 800% increase in gas prices and the fall in the prices of dairy products. The deepening of the current situation brings the company closer to collapse. In turn, the bankruptcy of a cooperative would have negative consequences for tens of thousands of people, both farmers supplying milk to the cooperative and cooperative employees.
Company representatives point out that they are not alone. The same problems also affect other dairy plants. Hence the idea of a systemic solution consisting in adding dairy product processors to the act on special protection of gaseous fuel consumers. Currently, this proposal has not been favorably received by parliamentarians. Therefore, representatives of OSM Czarnków plan to hold talks with the gas supplier and renegotiate the terms of the existing contract.
It is worth recalling that in the recent past, other dairy cooperatives also faced financial problems. We are talking about the Bielmlek cooperative and the Jogo cooperative.