H&M’s financial problems

H&M’s financial problems

The Swedish clothing company continues to face financial problems.

The above-mentioned problems began a few years ago and resulted in the gradual but systematic closure of stationary stores. These types of restructuring activities are carried out constantly. They focus most on stores located in Great Britain and Germany. H&M representatives explain that the steps taken are a consequence of changing consumer habits and the marginalization of the importance of stationary stores in favor of online shopping. They see savings amounting to millions of euros in these decisions.

It is worth recalling that this is not an isolated case. We informed you some time ago about the problems of other clothing chains, including Peek&Cloppenburg, Gerry Weber, Scotch&Soda.

Source: https://dziennikzachodni.pl/hm-zamyka-sklepy-w-polsce-gigantowi-grozi-bankructwo-czy-zrobimy-jeszcze-zakupy-w-sklepie/ar/c1-17967265

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